Saturday, August 25, 2012

Taiwan Day 5: Puli Winery, 18度巧克力房, 日月潭, 孔雀園 and文武廟.

Today is our last day with our private tour guide, Xiaoqiang 叔叔. We will be heading back to Taipei in the evening and will end our 5 day tour with him. I am sure that I will miss him! :(

Today our itinerary includes the famous Puli Winery, 18度巧克力房, 日月潭, 孔雀園 and 文武廟.

After breakfast at the hotel, we headed off to the Puli Winery. It was about an hour journey from Qingcing Grassland. Along the journey, Mummy noticed that I wasn’t as active as I normally will be. Thinking that I might be still feeling sleepy, Mummy didn’t ask me anything but just let me rest in the car. Just about 10mins before we reached the winery, I began to feel unwell and requested for a sweet but  I couldn’t finish the whole sweet and told Mummy that I didn’t want it anymore. Before Mummy could react to anything, I vomited everything in the car! Everyone in the car was in a shock as it was really horrible. I threw up everything non-stop while Xiaoqiang 叔叔was still driving!! It came so unexpected and the first thing that we had to do after parking the car was to wash up everything. Luckily Xiaoqiang 叔叔wasn’t mad at us for creating the mess. Instead he was so helpful and helped to clean up the car and even helped take care of me while 外婆, Mummy and Papa was busy cleaning up the mess! As I also vomited on Mummy, she had to change to a new set of clothes too.

The view from the balcony of our room!
Our resort, where we had our breakfast too!
Name of the resort where we stayed in QingCing
Look at my left eye! Swollen!! :(
Washing off the stuffs from my vomits... errrr.. Mummy said its disgusting!
Papa helping out with the washing..

We did not really tour the winery as we spent half the time washing and cleaning the car. Also, because the weather was extremely hot and humid, and the winery was so crowded and packed, we only walked for about 10mins before we decided to head on to the next location. 18度巧克力房 was only 5min drive away from the Puli winery and we spent about 20mins there buying some of the most expensive chocolates that Mummy has ever bought! Haha! Opposite the store was an area where they serve you free flow of coffee. Thinking that since we spent so much on such a small box of chocolates, we decided it is a must try for their free coffee. The coffee actually tasted very bitter. Even waipo whom is used to drinking bitter coffee couldn’t stand the taste of it. So in the end, we walked out of this place with a most expensive chocolate that Mummy has ever bought and a super bitter cup of coffee. What an experience!

Puli Winery

What a cup of bitter coffee!

The Sun Moon Lake was next on our list. We passed by the lake 2 days ago while going to Lushan and at that time, we were already very excited about touring this place. We took on the ferry ride to tour around the lake and tasted the famous tea-leaves egg that Xiaoqiang 叔叔recommended. Guess how many eggs did we buy? A total of 20 eggs!! It was an egg overdosed that day. According to Papa, this is also the best tasted tea-leaves egg that he has even eaten!

Enjoying my egg!
We took the ferry again and when on to the next area for exploration. We were supposed to have our lunch here before meeting up with Xiaoqiang 叔叔. But after having so many eggs, our tummy was still full and so we decided to just walk around and grab some snacks along the way. Mummy and I had a fun time playing with this very old traditional game. It is whereby you get a hammer and knock at the box that you have chosen and inside the box, it’s a mystery of toys or souvenirs. I was ubberly excited and kept pestering Mummy to let me play more.  For the rest of the days in Taipei, we went high and low trying to find the similar game store but just could not find it anywhere in Taipei!  

After Sun Moon Lake, we went on to our last two destinations; the Peacock Garden and WenWu Temple. The Peacock garden is a small park with lots of peacock. Mummy said Peacocks  are very proud birds. Indeed they are very proud! Trying to show off their beauty in front of us!

After the visit to Wenwu Temple, we headed back to Taipei. According to Xiaoqiang 叔叔, the journey will take about 2-3hours depending on traffic condition. We slept through most of the time and only stopped by for toilet break once.

We arrived at our Taipei Minsu along Kunming Street. Bid goodbye to Xiaoqiang 叔叔and headed up to our room.

Thank you very much Xiaoqiang 叔叔for travelling with us for the past 5 days!! 

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