Friday, December 21, 2012

DIY Christmas Cards

With a little help (Mummy says its big not little) :P from Mummy, We managed to complete this snow man Christmas Card for some of my teachers in Just Kids.

I think all of them like it very mcuh when I presented it to them during our Christmas Celebration.

A pity that Mummy forgot to take a photo of the final product.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Doraemon Exhibition

After the school concert ended, we headed towards West Coast Plaza for the Doraemon Exhibition and performance.

Though I was feeling a little tired after the concert, am still very excited to be able to see Doraemon performing and also to take photos at the exhibition. :)


Saturday, December 8, 2012

My First School Concert

This is my first time performing on stage! It is my school graduation concert and I was part of the performance team.

We spent months and months learning our dance and finally this is the time to showcase our hard work!

I was super excited about it as Papa and Mummy will be coming to watch my performance!




Saturday, October 27, 2012

Gabriel's 1st Birthday Bash

Yeahhh.... another birthday celebration!! This time round its my cousin!! Gabriel is finally ONE!! Lots of fun and fun!!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Ah Gong's Birthday

Today we celebrated my grandfather (Ah Gong)'s 59th Brithday!!

Ah gong have not been feeling very well for the past few months and I really hope that he can recover fast as Mummy says she wanna bring the whole family for a holiday to Hong Kong!

Wishing Ah Gong a very happy brithday and may you stay healthy and happy always! Hope you can recover fast!

I love you Ah Gong!